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Showing posts from January, 2017

How to Download Maya 2017 Full Version Free

Watch the video for detailed explanation. Steps Go to Select All Products Select Maya Scroll down and Select Go To Student Channel Sign In or Create An Account Select Version, Operating System and Language Select Install  Follow on Screen Instructions to Install. 

How to Use Dodge and Burn Tool

Make new layer and Fill it with 50% gray. How to use Dodge Tool: Select Dodge Tool from Tools Panel. Select Midtones. Keep exposure in the range 0-15% Start using n the bright areas of the picture. How to use Burn Tool: Select Burn Tool from Tools Panel. Select Shadows or Midtones. Keep exposure in the range 0-10% Start using in the dark areas of the picture. These both tools are used give the contrast and dynamic look a person's face. Watch the Video Tutorial of Dodge and Burn Tool on Youtube by clicking below, Subscribe for more tutorials.

How to use Spot Healing, Healing and Patch Healing Tool

Basic Steps:  Insert the picture in the Photoshop by File>Open or Drag and drop on the document area of the Photoshop. Make three duplicate layers by Dragging and Dropping main layer three times on New Layer Icon and name them Spot Healing , Healing , Patch Healing. How to Use Spot Healing Tool: Select Spot Healing Layer and turn off the visibility of other two layers(except Background).  Select Spot Healing Brush Tool from Tools Panel and Start by checking the control panel settings. Mode: Normal Type: Content Aware Sample All Layers Checked. Start healing acne by moving the brush on the acne and pressing once. How to Use Healing Tool: Select Healing Layer and turn off the visibility of other two layers(except Background). Select Healing Brush Tool from Tools Panel and Start by checking the control panel settings. Mode: Normal Source: Sampled Sample: Current & Below Press Alt key and move the cursor on to clear